Thursday, February 21, 2008

A long time ago

I had a job. Then I didn't. For about 6 months. Now I kind of have one again. Hopefully that last sentence will lose the "kind of" in the next few days. It isn't what I really want, but it's good enough for now, which is pretty much as good as I can hope for around here. Idaho Falls (and pretty much all of southeast Idaho for that matter) is a terrible place to find a job as an editor; I've definitely been looking. So for now, I guess it's back to the daily grind.

This little gem of a video was brought to my attention by one Jeremy Parish, an editor at 1up. He gushes about the game in his blog post here. I echo all of his sentiments. This is the kind of thing that proves that video games are more than just mindless drivel. Anyone reading this who thinks that, we need to have a private conversation wherein I show you how very wrong you are. Sure, their primary purpose is to entertain, but the exact same can be said for movies, TV, and literature. But sometimes games can transcend their medium and become something more. I realize all that I'm saying right now is predicated on a 5-minute video I watched on an unreleased product, but bear with me. Games have so much power to draw people in and make them believe in what they're experiencing. Now, this game may not have much in the way of story, but the way you interact with the world is completely mind-blowing. I cannot wait to get my hands on this thing.

Now time for me to REALLY nerd out. I'm kind of a closet American Idol fan. Not TOO closet; it's not like I hide it. But tonight I was watching the first round of eliminations after everyone gets the chance to perform for real. This was also while I was in the middle of a heated Call of Duty 4 game with my buddies online. Yeah, it was a weird juxtaposition, for sure. But anyway, I was more worried about the results than I was about COD4, which was...interesting. I don't usually let things that aren't DIRECTLY related to my life draw me away from my games. Mainly, I was worried that my favorite girl this year would get voted off, because she didn't do great the other night. I openly acknowledge that most of the reason I like her is because she's absolutely gorgeous. But so what? She's a good singer, too, and I want to see what else she can do.

I realize this is the longest post ever, but one more thing. My brother James is on his mission in Mexico and he's the coolest kid ever.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Get a job already man! haha
I need to get into American Idol. I kinda though Clay Aiken was cute, but then again, I seem to always be attracted to the gay ones! Oh well! Love the pics of the missionary! Awesome.