Monday, September 07, 2009


I'm still working. I think what might have to happen is that I'm going to abandon this blog. yeah, I know, sorry for all of you diligent readers. I don't know. I'm going to start writing stuff that's more in line with what I'd like to end up doing: video games journalism. That said, I'm going to be putting most of what I write on my blog over at Giant Bomb.

I may update this occasionally, I may not. I might just come by every now and then and throw up the link to my current Giant Bomb blog. Who knows? All I know is I need to get a move on before life passes me by. So anyway, here's a review a wrote (yes, at Giant Bomb) of Guitar Hero 5.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Ahem. I am this close to redoing this whole damn enterprise. This blog needs a jumpstart, and it needs to happen now. No one reads it, but I have some ideas on how to change that. In some ways, a lot has happened in the past (almost) year since I last updated here, but in other ways, not much has happened. Take this blog as my renewed effort to get things happening.