Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Earthquake Weather

Hoo boy, it's been a long freaking time. Benj tagged me to do some post a few months ago and I obviously never did it, and actually I'm not going to do it now, either. Maybe next time, which should be sooner than 7 months from now (fingers crossed). I just finally realized I need to start writing more (or at all, truth be told) and even if no one reads this (because, let's face it, there's not been any reason to) it'll be good to get me writing, because I need too get away from this town. It's seriously sucking out my life force. I like the job I have right now (Bell Photography) but it's not really paying the bills, literally and figuratively. So that's my situation in a nutshell. Also, I guess we have a new prez-o-dent. Well, not quite yet, but soon enough.

Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos.

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