Sunday, January 07, 2007

I'm in love...

With videogames. HAH! Had you there for a second, huh? No, I seem to emit some sort of unpleasant odor or aura or something else that scares the females away. NO! My one true love, who never leaves me and never lets me down (unless Mr. Lag interferes), is videogames. And right now Guitar Hero (1 & 2) is at the top of my list. Maybe because I played it for like four hours tonight, but HOT DAMN is that game fun. As a corollary to that, Elite Beat Agents is a killer game as well. It's rhythm-based like Guitar Hero, but stylus driven instead of guitar-controller-that-will-rock-your-face-off driven. Oh, and I guess Rainbow Six: Vegas is up there as well. I sure love me some terrorist killing. Word up.

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